What Does DepositFix Create in Your HubSpot Account?

When you sign up to DepositFix, these items are automatically built to your HubSpot account.

Payment Property Fields

In the Contact settings, you'll see a new Payment group with fields to help you search and segment your list based on payment events.

  • Active Subscriptions - Shows all active subscription plan/s the contact is under
  • All Payments - Sums up all payments done through a DepositFix form.
  • Billing Profile - A contact-specific unique page that shows payment information.
  • Cancelled Subscriptions - Shows any cancelled subscription plans
  • Discount - Shows the discount name applied to the transaction
  • Last Paid Amount - Amount of the last successful transaction
  • Last Payment Result Text - Shows Approved for successful transactions or the Error Message returned by a payment gateway.
  • Last Product Purchased - Shows the name of the last purchased product.
  • Last Transaction Date - Shows the last successful or failed transaction date
  • Next Payment Date - Shows the next payment schedule for subscription plans.
  • Outstanding Amount - Set the initial amount and every payment done will automatically deduct and update this amount
  • Payment Status - Shows the status of the latest transaction, whether 'Paid' or 'Failed'
  • Reference Number - Shows the generated reference number from a payment gateway. This is useful for creating receipts
  • Stripe Customer Id - Shows Stripe Customer ID

This is what your contact properties should look like:


HubSpot Form - 'DepositFix Form'

DepositFix Form is a basic HubSpot form that you can edit and use when building your payment form. This form contains the fields: First Name, Last Name, and Email.
Email is always required on a payment form. You can use any of your existing (or new) HubSpot forms

Landing Page – 'Payment Page'


This page contains an HTML block with a generic DepositFix payment form code. Once you have built your payment form, copy the embed code here.


To test the payment process, publish this page and open it in your browser (make sure to use HTTPS:// link)

DepositFix can be used on any HTML-supported site

HubSpot Workflows - DepositFix Successful and Failed Workflows


Deposit creates two sets of workflows for post transactions activity:

Successful Workflow - Used for successful payments using the form.

Failed Workflow - Used for failed transactions.

You can also use your own workflows and use DepositFix timeline events as triggers.


This is commonly used to send receipt emails or notify the team about the transactions.

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Last updated on August 6, 2021