Rename Labels on Your Form (Translations)
The language and labels in our payment forms can be easily translated to match the need of your leads and customers.
There are two ways to change the language on your form labels:
Using the form builder
You can change the labels of all DepositFix form fields directly on the form builder. You can use this feature to translate the text on specific labels or change the text to something that is more relevant to your terminology or branding.
Each form field (email,first name,etc) has a Label field which you can edit :
Using the embed code
This gives you more flexibility in changing form labels. To rename a label, simply add these snippets to the code generated by the form builder.
translations: {
Depositfix_Item: 'translated word phrase'
<script id='df-widget-js' src=''></script> <script type='text/javascript' id='df-script'> DepositFixForm.init({ formId: 'dfff4265-a4cf-47a7-97c1-4efb5d70fee3', portalId: '4269803', translations: { CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER: 'Número de tarjeta de crédito', PAY_NOW: 'Pagar ahora', } }); </script>
Below is the full list of DepositFix form items that can be translated.
CREDIT_CARD: 'Credit Card'
CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER: 'Credit Card Number'
STRIPE_GOOGLE_PAY_COUNTRY_NOT_SUPPORTED: 'Google Pay is not supported in your country'
STRIPE_GOOGLE_PAY_CREDIT_CARD_MISSING: 'Please add a credit card to your Google Pay wallet'
HOW_OFTEN: 'How often'
PAY_WITH: 'Pay With'
TOTAL: 'Total'
SUBSCRIPTION: 'Subscription'
ONE_TIME_CHARGE: 'One time charge'
QUANTITY: 'Quantity:'
TAX: 'Tax'
DONATION_AMOUNT: 'Donation Amount'
DONATION_AMOUNT_INVALID: 'Please put amount greater than 0'
PAY_NOW: 'Pay Now'
PROCESSING: 'Processing...'
DISCOUNT_CODE: 'Discount Code'
APPLY_DISCOUNT: 'Apply Discount'
DISCOUNT_APPLIED: 'Discount successfully applied!'
DISCOUNT_NOT_FOUND: 'Discount code not found'
DISCOUNT_FAILED: 'Failed to apply discount'
SELECT_AT_LEAST_ONE_PRODUCT: 'Please select at least one product'
COVER_PROCESSING_FEES: 'I\'d like to help cover processing fees on my donation'
CREDIT_CARD_NUMBER: 'Credit Card Number',
EXP_DATE: 'Expiration Date',
QUANTITY_INVALID: 'Quantity must be greater than 0',
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