Multiple Contacts

DepositFix allows you to use the same form to purchase multiple of the same product under multiple contacts.

First, on your original HubSpot form, add the contact property Billing Contact to your HS form, and mark it as hidden (this is needed to send the billing contact details with each purchase)


Once you've done that, you can then specify the fields you want to save when you change the quantity; you can do this by adding the following code to your DepositFix form embed code:

settings: {
multipleContacts: {
fields: ['email']

Where 'email' is the field name, which of course, can be changed depending on which fields you'd like to appear.


To demonstrate the behaviour of this, let's have a look at this form for example:


You can see how the behavior changes when you change the quantity, so if you select 2, it will add a field for a second email; if you select 3, it will add two additional fields for two additional emails, etc.


Here's an example of the full embed code of the form mentioned above:

<script src=""></script>
<script type='text/javascript' id='df-script'>
formId: 'dffe7ade-d8d3-483f-8913-299b98e1832a',
portalId: '4802805',
settings: {
multipleContacts: {
fields: ['email']
Multiple contacts will save the main billing contact in HubSpot payment properties under "billing contact".
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