Creating and Using Discount Codes

Creating Discount Codes

Create discount codes inside the DepositFix app. From the main dashboard, click on Discounts


On the Create Discount page, fill in the following information

  1. Name this is where you give your code a name to easily indicate what the code is for (on the backend).
  1. Code is the actual code customers will use to enter on the form.
  1. Type fixed-amount, percentage-based, or trial days.
  1. Amount enter only the numerical value for the discount you must apply. Do not include the dollar or the % symbol.
  1. Set Expiration Date You can add an expiration date to your code.
  1. Set Redemption Count adds the maximum number of times the code can be redeemed.
  1. Specific Form Only limits the code to a specific form only.
  1. Activated allows you to activate or deactivate the code at any time.

Click on Save for your discount code to take effect.


Using Discount Codes in DepositFix Forms

When applying discount codes, you should use the coupon ID in DepositFix forms, not the coupon name.

Make sure to check Accept Discount Codes in your form when you create the payment form on the DepositFix Form Builder.


Copy and paste the generated code to your landing page. Once the landing page is published, customers can enter the coupon codes in the discount code field of the payment form.

Creating discount codes inside DepositFix will automatically create discount codes in Stripe. Stripe does not allow you to edit discount codes, so editing codes in DepositFix will replace those in Stripe.
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