Understanding DepositFix Data in Zapier

When you set up a DepositFix trigger, Zapier will automatically fetch records and show you the data available to use for actions. Below is list of all the data point you will get from DepositFix


Data points attached for all DepositFix triggers

  • ID internal record ID in Depositifx( i.e. dfiS4FIqeZEmV)
  • Product Name product name in DepositFix
  • Status status of the payment/order (i.e PAID)
  • Currency Currency of the payment
  • Subtotal number value of the subtotal (i.e. 300)
  • Subtotal Formatted formatted string of the subtotal with decimal points and currency code (i.e. $300.00)
  • Total number value of the total (i.e. 300)
  • Total Formatted formatted string of the total with decimal points and currency code (i.e. $300.00)
  • Total Refundable number value of the total refundable amount available (i.e. 300)
  • Total Refundable Formatted formatted string of the total refundable amount available with decimal points and currency code (i.e. $300.00)
  • Tax Rate number value of the applied tax rate
  • Tax Amount number value of the actual tax amount (i.e. 20)
  • Tax Amount Formatted formatted string of the actual tax amount with decimal points and currency code (i.e. $20.00)
  • Created At full timestamp value of date the record was created (i.e. 2024-05-09T07:22:45.360+00:00)
  • Created At Formatted formatted string of the date the record was created (i.e. May 09, 2024)
  • Due At full timestamp value of payment due date (i.e. 2024-05-09T07:22:45.360+00:00)
  • Due At Formatted formatted string of the payment due date (i.e. May 09, 2024)
  • Paid At full timestamp value of the date the payment was made (i.e. 2024-05-09T07:22:45.360+00:00)
  • Paid At Formatted formatted string of the payment was made (i.e. May 09, 2024)
  • Next Payment Attempt 2024-05-09T07:23:40.206+00:00
  • Payment Gateway name of the payment gateway (i.e. Stripe, PayPal, Test, etc)
  • Payment Gateway Method name of the payment method (i.e. Credit Card, Apple Pay, etc)
  • Refund Amount total number value of the refunded amount
  • Refund Reason reason for the refund
  • Refund Note any notes added to the refund record
  • Contact Email email address of the contact asscoiated with the payment
  • Contact Full Name first and last name of the contact associated with the payment
  • Contact Address address lines associated with the contact
  • Contact City State Zip zip/postal code
  • Contact Country country name
  • Contact Hs Id contact’s ID Hubspot
  • Contact Stripe Id customer’s ID in Stripe
  • Contact Created At full timestamp value of the date the contact was created (i.e. 2024-05-09T07:22:45.360+00:00)
  • Discount Code discount code used with the payment, if any (i.e. 20Summer)
  • Discount Name name of the discount record in DepositFix
  • Discount Percent percentage value of the discount, if any
  • Discount Trial Days number of trial days of the discount, if any
  • Discount Amount number value of the actual discount amount (i.e. 20)
  • Discount Amount Formatted formatted string of the actual discount amount with decimal points and currency code (i.e. $20.00)

Data points for subscription triggers ONLY

  • Start At full timestamp value of the subscription start date (i.e. 2024-05-09T07:22:45.360+00:00)
  • Start At Formatted formatted string of the subscription start date (i.e. May 09, 2024)
  • Cancel At full timestamp value of the subscription end date (i.e. 2024-05-09T07:22:45.360+00:00)
  • Cancel Requested At full timestamp value of the date the cancellation request is made (i.e. 2024-05-09T07:22:45.360+00:00)
  • Cancel Requested At Formatted formatted string of the date the cancellation request is made (i.e. May 09, 2024)
  • Trial Days number of the trial days associated with the subscription (if any)
  • Max Charges number of max charges associated with the subscription (if any)
  • Cancel At Formatted formatted string of the subscription end date (i.e. May 09, 2024)
  • Total Balance number value the total paid balance
  • Total Balance Formatted formatted string of the total paid balance with decimal points and currency code (i.e. $20.00)
  • Balance Due Date full timestamp value of the balance due date (i.e. 2024-05-09T07:22:45.360+00:00)
  • Balance Due Date Formatted formatted string of the balance due date (i.e. May 09, 2024)
  • Unpaid Balance number value of the total unpaid balance
  • Unpaid Balance Formatted formatted string of the total unpaid balance with decimal points and currency code (i.e. $20.00)
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