How to Troubleshoot Declined Cards (Stripe Failed Payments)
DepositFix uses Stripe to process payments which follows an effective strategy to prevent disputes and fraud, using several methods that are best suited for your business while keeping any customer burden—and losses—to a minimum.
For example, when Stripe suspects a fraud payment, they may require further verification, depending on what country you’re using to make the payment form; if the ZIP code verification option is activated, Stripe will perform a check on the ZIP code provided by the user on checkout, and match it with the ZIP code on file with the card issuer. This check includes a default rule to block any payments that fail ZIP code verification and return the error “Credit Card Processor Error: The zip code you supplied failed validation.”
Suppose you're experiencing unacceptable payment failures due to a ZIP code check (i.e., employees using a corporate card and do not know the correct ZIP code on file. etc.). In that case, you can disable Zip Code Verification within the Dashboard in Stripe's admin panel.
Stripe's Radar is their fraud prevention toolset, and it is built directly into the payment flow and contains powerful machine learning algorithms. This process detects patterns across payments processed with Stripe, assessing the risk level of each.
Stripe users a Radar to manage the logic for blocking credit cards. You can go to Stripe dashboard > Radar.

You'll see several rules to decline payments and reasons for recent declines. You might need to deactivate some of those rules.


To read more, please visit Stripe's Radar site.